
guest:~]$ showimage aboutphoto.png

guest:~]$ Who is Voxx?


I'm an anarchist hacktivist focused on digital privacy, amongst other things.

guest:~]$ What is This Site?


This site is my own personal blog, where I post writeups of my operations, along with those of others. I also link to some of the tools and resources I use.

guest:~]$ Why?


The internet started as a science project, a way for information to be shared between two computers across vast distances. But like with all revolutionary technologies, profiteers always find a way to ruin it.


Today, the internet is simultaneously more and less connected than it ever was: less connected in the sense that we're all dependant upon centralized, walled-garden type social platforms owned by an elite who see you as nothing more than a means of extracting profit, and more connected in the sense that the internet is encroaching upon every aspect of our lives, and with it the capitalists who seek to take advantage of our ignorance. I may not speak for everyone, but I am not something to be profited off of like that.


More importantly, the objectives of the capitalists and those of the state converge on the matter of surveillance. Data turns a large profit, and is very useful for supressing dissent. Even if you are innocent, the threat of your data being used against you will linger over your head so long as that avenue of opression remains feasible for the opressors.


It is an uphil battle; the internet likely isn't going to revert to the Web-1.0 era anytime soon. But It doesn't need to for progress to be made. So I fight anyways.

guest:~]$ What Have You Already Done?


In the November of 2023, I launched an investigation into the Canary Mission, An organization that supresses and intimidates pro-Palestinian activists through the use of a globally-available online blacklist.


I was able to prove the Canary Mission website was registered by one Howard David Sterling in 2014, and was also able to show that the site was originally hosted through an Israeli ISP. I'm not satisfied with just that though, and my investigation is ongoing at the time of this writing (30 January, 2024). I hope to have an update out soon.


If you want to read about how I did it, part 1 of the writeup is available here, and the rest can be found in the list of blog entries.

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